Welcome to the guide for all Autodesk users who want to start using Grasshopper in REVIT.

This guide will provide you with all the necessary information on using Grasshopper and Parametric Design in Revit effectively and avoiding common mistakes. We will cover everything from downloading and installing the software, setting up the connection, and importing references to practical assignments and examples with detailed explanations.

With this guide, you will be able to quickly and easily get started with using Grasshopper within Revit and take your engineering skills to the next level.

Let's begin!

What is Rhino Inside Revit?

What are Rhino and Grasshopper?

Revit Terminologies





Rhino&Grasshopper Unit vs Revit Unit

Selecting Revit Elements - Exercises

Creating Standard Revit Elements - Exercises

Create Structural Elements - Exercises

Grasshopper vs DynamoBIM - Which One is Better?

Authors of a guide